Contractor: Yüksel-Hitachi JVG; Contract Package 1, Integrating the as-built projects of Melen and Cumhuriyet Pumping Stations, Intake Weirs, Header Mains and Header Tanks with DSI geographic information system,
The as-built projects of Melen and Cumhuriyet Pumping Systems;
Transformation of the as-built projects to GIS formats in conformity with the DSI GIS standarts,
Editing the layers of the as builts projects in CAD formats to align with the GIS standarts,
Acquisition and entry of all the attribute data related with transmission line,
Transformation of the base maps and integrating with GIS,
Linking the Layout plans, cross sections,creek crossings in CAD format with GIS system using Hyperlinks,
Projecting the data in UTM 3 and UTM 6 projection systems,
Google Earth *.kmz format conversions.